Adnan Zahirović
Assistant professor
Faculty of Science
T: +387 33 279 917
E: adnan.zahirovic@pmf.unsa.ba
Office number: 343
Consultation hours:
Tuesday: 8:00 – 11:00
Thursday: 8:00 – 10:00
Bachelor of Engineering Chemistry
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Sarajevo, 2012.
Diploma thesis: “Synthesis and characterization of a new anionic complex compound tetramethylammonium dichlorobis(N-butylsalicylideneiminato-N,O) ruthenate(III) (CH4)3N[RuCl2(C6H4OCHC4H9)2]”
Master of Engineering Chemistry
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Sarajevo, 2013.
Master’s thesis: “Spectroscopic and electrochemical evidence of CT DNA intercalation with sodium bis[N-2-oxyphenyl-5-X-salicylideneiminato-ONO]ruthenate(III) complexes”
Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Sarajevo, 2018.
Doctoral dissertation: “Heteroleptic complexes of ruthenium with flavonoids: Synthesis, characterization and structure”
Tenure track
2022 Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Sarajevo
28.10.2020. Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Sarajevo
2016 – 2020 Senior Teaching and Research Assistant for Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Sarajevo
2013 – 2016 Teaching and Research Assistant for Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Sarajevo