Subdepartment of Physical Chemistry

Subdepartment of Physical Chemistry

Department of Chemistry
PMF Hemija

The Subdepartment of Physical Chemistry was founded with the arrival of Prof. Dr. Tibor Škerlak to Sarajevo in the spring of 1954, after being elected to the position of Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. The following year, Tibor Ribar was chosen as an assistant. The first head of the Subdepartment was prof. Dr. Tibor Škerlak. The members of this Chair also performed very important functions in the work of the Faculty and the University.

A large number of scientific and professional works were published and cooperation was established related to the scientific and professional issues of large economic organizations and their institutes (“Energoinvest”, “UNIS”, “Zrak”), whose personnel the members of the Department guided through the labyrinth of science and practice, being their mentors.

The members of the Suhave on several occasions stayed in scientific institutions in developed countries (USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland), but also in developing countries (Zambia), where they transferred their rich scientific and pedagogical experience to young staff in those countries. The first postgraduate study “Kinetics and Catalysis” was organized at the Faculty of Science in Sarajevo, which enabled the then young assistant staff of the Subdepartment of Chemistry to develop and advance to teaching and scientific positions. Later, a postgraduate course in corrosion and electrochemistry was opened.

During the past war, the premises of the Subdepartment were completely devastated. This especially applies to the student practicum, which was completely destroyed and set on fire. The losses also apply to the teaching staff of the Faculty, but even in such difficult conditions, work with students was not interrupted.

Hundreds of graduate and master’s theses, doctoral theses and professional projects have been completed at the Department.

Over many years, the Department has had a large number of teachers, associates and non-teaching staff.

In addition to the professors mentioned above, Prof. Dr. Borivoj Galić, prof. Dr. Merzuk Cacan, assistant professor dr. Vjeročka Šišlov, then, prof. Dr. Branko Škundrić, prof. Dr. Jelena Penavin-Škundrić, assistant professor Ph.D. Branka Ninkov, as well as his colleagues at the time, Ph.D. Predrag Ilić, Ph.D. Mladen Miloš, Ph.D. Duško Šutić, Ph.D. Željka Karlović, MSc., Tomislav Lukić, Vuk Šiljegović, Nada Gotovac and many others who achieved enviable academic careers.

During its development, the department relied significantly on the hard work of non-teaching staff.

Today’s activities of the Subdepartment of Physical Chemistry, in addition to teaching, are focused on scientific research work in electrochemistry, materials science, enzyme catalysis and chemical kinetics, as well as cooperation with the economy, which is reflected in various services from the domains and capabilities of our laboratories.

Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Safija Herenda
Contact phone: 033/279-995
Office number: 321/III

Teachers and associates
Academic title Name and surname Phone number Cabinet number E-mail address
Full professor Sabina Gojak – Salimović 033/279-907 344
Full professor Fehim Korać 033/279-915 338
Associate professor
Head of the department
Safija Herenda 033/279-995 321
Associate professor Sanjin Gutić 033/279-962 333
Assistant professor Jelena Ostojić 033/279-911 332
Non-teaching staff
Academic title Name and surname Phone number Cabinet number E-mail address
Senior laboratory assistant Alma Bešlija 033/279-918 322

Scientific papers – 2022

  1. Haskovic E, Herenda S, Herenda A, Haskovic D, Haskovic E, Selimovic A. Effects of drug betamethasone on hematological parameters of Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout 1769) in vivo conditions. J of IMAB. 2022 Apr-Jun;28(2):4525-4531. DOI: (Web of Science)
  2. Edhem Hasković, Harun Uzunalıć, Snežana Unčanin, Safija Herenda, Denis Hasković, Amina Selimović, An analysis of laboratory parameters of chronic kidney failure in elderly patients, Acta facultatis medicae Naissensis, 2022, 39 (4):1-8.

Scientific papers – 2021.

  1. Edhem Hasković, Safija Herenda, Zehra Halilović, Snežana Unčanin, Denis Hasković, Ena Deljkić, Investigation of the Effect of Loratadine and Calcium Ions on Oxidoreductase Activity of Catalase Enzyme, Current Enzyme Inhibition, 2021, 17, 26-32. (Scopus, Chemical Abstracts Service, EBSCO Host)

Scientific papers – 2020.

  1. S.J. Gutić, A.S. Dobrota, E. Fako, N.V. Skorodumova, N. Lopez, I.A. Pašti, Hydrogen Evolution Reaction-From Single Crystal to Single Atom Catalysts, Catalysts 10 (2020) 290.
  2. Dedić, S. Gutić, A Gičević, E. Bečić, B. Imamović, D. Marković, N. Žiga-Smajić, Application of membrane filters in determination of the adsorption of tetracycline hydrochloride on graphene oxide, Pharmacia 67 (2020) 339
  3. Safija Herenda, Edhem Hasković, Denis Hasković, Ena Deljkić, (2020) Pregled: Ispitivanje elektrohemijskih osobina beta blokatora i ACE inhibitora metodom ciklične voltametrije, Zastita Materijala 61 (2) 128 – 132. (International Scientific Indexing (ISI)
  4. Haverić, A., Durmić-Pašić, A., Alić, A., Mujezinović, I., Smajlović, A., Ostojić, J., Ahatović, A., Hadžić, M., Prašović, S., Haverić, S. and Galić, B., 2020. Biochemical and histomorphological findings in Swiss Wistar rats treated with potential boron-containing therapeutic-K2 [B3O3F4OH]. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 62, p.126642.
  5. Delibašić, Š., Đokić-Kahvedžić, N., Karić, M., Keskin, I., Velispahić, A., Huremović, J.,  Herceg, K., Selimović, A., Silajdžić, S., Žero, S., Gojak-Salimović, S., Partić, A., Pašalić, A.  (2020). Health risk assessment of heavy metal contamination in street dust of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 1-13.
  6. Huremović, J., Žero, S., Bubalo, E., Dacić, M., Čeliković, A., Musić, I., Bašić, M.,  Huseinbašić, N.,  Džepina; K., Cepić, M., Muratović, N.,  Pašalić, A., Salihagić, S.,  Krvavac, Z., Zelić-Hadžiomerović, J., Gojak-Salimović, S. (2020). Analysis of PM10, Pb, Cd and Ni atmospheric concentrations during domestic heating season in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 2010 to 2019, Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 1-12.
  7. Gojak-Salimović, S., Ramić, S.  (2020). Investigation of the antioxidant synergisms and antagonisms among caffeic, ferulic and rosmarinic acids using the Briggs-Rauscher reaction method, Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina/Glasnik hemičara i tehnologa Bosne i Hercegovine, 54, 27-30.
  8. Delibašić, Š., Huremović, J., Žero, S., Gojak-Salimović, S. (2020). Water quality of the Trstionica River (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Kemija u industriji/Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers), 69(7-8), 371-376.