Undergraduate studies

A reminder for students of the pre-Bologna system

Undergraduate studies

Amendments to the Law on Higher Education Extension of the deadline until 2018

Law about higher education

Article 79

(Retroactive application)

1) The higher education institution cannot retroactively apply the new study concept in accordance with the Bologna higher education process for any started study cycle.

2) The student has the right to complete his studies according to the curriculum that was valid at the time of enrollment of that student, i.e. before the entry into force of this Law, with the obligation to complete the studies started no later than September 30. in 2015.

3) After the expiration of the period from paragraph (2) of this article, and at the student’s request even before the expiration of that period, the student has the right to continue his studies according to the Bologna Process on the basis of the equivalence of studies that was valid at the time of enrollment of that student, i.e. before the entry into force of this Law in relation to the new study, in the status and under the conditions prescribed by the higher education institution, in accordance with the law and the statute.

Statute of the University of Sarajevo

Article 216.


(1) The student has the right to complete his studies according to the curriculum that was in effect at the time of the student’s enrollment, i.e. before the entry into force of this statute, with the obligation to complete the studies he started no later than September 30, 2015, i.e. as established by the Law deadline.

(2) The status of a student from paragraph 1 of this article is determined in the manner and under the conditions provided by the Law, this statute and the general act of the organizational unit.

(3) After the expiration of the term established by the Law, and at the student’s request even before the expiration of that term, the student has the right to continue his studies under the pre-Bologna system in the status and under the conditions prescribed by the general acts of the organizational units in accordance with the Law and this statute.