Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Issue 63
Publication date: December 2024 |
Table of contents
Preliminary archaeometry investigation of artifacts from the Medieval Bosnian town of Dubrovnik (Ilijaš, BiH) Original Scientific Article
Olovčić, A., Ramić, E., Ostojić, J., Bujak, E.
DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.01
UDK: 543:903.2(497.6 Ilijaš)
Abstract: The aim of this paper was to analyse archaeological artifacts found in the medieval town of Dubrovnik, near Sarajevo, using FAAS and SEM-EDS techniques. A total of 11 samples of different types were chosen: ceramic sherds, an iron nail, slag, and a piece of brocade thread. The results of the ceramic samples showed high levels of iron and manganese, most probably due to the geological bedding of the location. Trace amounts of chromium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc further support this assumption, which means that the clay used to make ceramic was supplied in the vicinity of Dubrovnik. A painted sample of green ceramic had high levels of lead, suggesting that this metal was deliberately added to strengthen the properties of the vessel. SEM-EDS measurements of the slag showed the presence of As, Hg and Sn, and one possible explanation is that they were used in gold or silver refining processes, which according to historical reports were performed in Dubrovnik. A piece of golden thread has proven useful in determining the time frame of its origin. EDS measurement showed that the type of the manufacturing process used in the production of this golden thread did not exist before the 14th century.
Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 63, 01-10
Inventory of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in the Transport Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Original Scientific Article
Džajić-Valjevac, M., Markotić, E., Maretić Tiro, M., Merzić, A.
DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.02
Abstract: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are flame retardants whose use is restricted to industrial production in line with the Stockholm Convention due to their persistence and toxicity. Some congeners were restricted in 2009, while the decaBDE restriction entered into force in 2017. Selected plastic products containing PBDEs are still widely used and may potentially impact human health and the environment. This paper investigates the presence of the PBDEs in transport vehicles and related wastes in BiH during 2020. The applied estimation method was proposed by the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention, including a calculation based on the statistical data at the national level and literature data on PBDE concentration in the different vehicle types. It has been estimated that the most PBDEs come from the old transport vehicles that are still in use (4,582.72 kg), while the amount of PBDEs in imported vehicles and end-of-life vehicles is at a low level, 6.10 kg and 213.30 kg, respectively. Inadequate disposal of old vehicles has been identified as a significant environmental threat in Bosnia and Herzegovina related to PBDE contamination.
Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 63, 11-17
Correlations of total phenolics and antioxidant activity in royal jelly from Bosnia and Herzegovina Original Scientific Article
Toromanović, J., Medunjanin, D., Dizdar, M., Buza, N., Trešnjo, A., Tahirović, I.
DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.03
UDK: 638.162:577.1(497.6)
Abstract: In this study, the total phenolics content (TPC), and antioxidant activity against hydroxyl (AAOH·) and peroxyl (AAROO·) free radicals in centrifuged (low molecular weight fractions, LM) and uncentrifuged (the bulk of low molecular weight and high molecular weight, LM+HM fractions) samples of fresh royal jelly (RJ) from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as well as correlations between these parameters were determined. For determination of the TPC, spectrophotometric method with gallic acid (GA) as the standard was used. For the determination of AA, the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay with catechin as the standard was used. The highest TPC expressed in equivalent mass of GA per mass of RJ (LM+HM fractions) was found in the sample from Kalinovik, 5.54±0.76 mg GAE/g, and in the sample from Bosanska Krupa, 4.07±0.04 mg GAE/g for LM phenolics of RJ. The highest AAOH·expressed as mmol catechin equivalents (CE) per mass of LM+HM fraction of RJ was found in the sample from Cazin 58.15±1.55 mM CE/g, and in the sample from Ključ, 58.15±0.81 mM CE/g for LM fraction. The highest AAROO· per mass of LM+HM fraction of RJ was found in the sample from Bosanska Krupa, 8.04±0.04 mM CE/g, in which also found the highest AAROO·for LM fractions, 7.58±0.39 mM CE/g. There were very high positive correlations between AAOH·(LM+HM), as well as AAOH·(LM)) and TPC(LM+HM), as well as TPC(LM) (Pearson correlations (P.c.)). It was moderate positive correlation AAOH·(HM)to TPC(HM). Also, there were weak positive correlations between AA(ROO·)(LM+HM), as well as AA(ROO·)LM and TPC(LM+HM), as well asTPC(LM), and weak negative correlation AA(ROO·)(HM) to TPC(HM). Based on a very high TPC and significant AA, it can be concluded that RJ from B&H is a good source of natural antioxidants and is an important dietary supplement.
Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 632, 19-24
Metal Desorption from the Lichen Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. Using Simulated Acid Rain pH Solutions Original Scientific Article
Ramić, E., Huremović, J., Žero, S.
DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.04
UDK: 543[582.29:551.577.13]
Abstract: In this study, the content of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in washed and unwashed lichen Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. was determined. Solutions similar to acid rain (H2SO4–HNO3–(NH4)2SO4–NH4NO3) with pH 2.02. 2.55, 3.61, 4.33, and 5.15 were used to investigate the desorption of metals from washed lichen Evernia prunastri. The metal analysis was conducted by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Content of Fe and Pb was higher in unwashed lichen, Mn and Ni were similar in washed and unwashed lichen, and Cr, Cu, Cd, and Zn were higher in the washed lichen sample. Using solution with pH 2.02, the percentage of desorbed Cu, Mn, Cd, and Zn was higher than 95%, while for Pb it was ~ 80%. Mn was desorbed in a mass percentage higher than 79% in all simulated acid rain solutions, while the percentage of Cr desorption was less than 1%. Solutions with pH 3.61, 4.33, and 5.15 desorbed all metals except Mn in a percentage lower than 68%. The results indicate that the lichen Everina prunastri can become a secondary environment pollutant and that the mass percentage of desorbed metals depends on the strength of the bond between the metal and the components of the lichen tissue or cell wall, as well as on the pH value of the precipitation with which the lichen comes into contact.
Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 63, 25-30
Modification of the Surface of Objects for the Aviation Industry by the Procedure of Hard Chrome Plating Original Scientific Article
Šestan, I., Ristić, Z., Ćatić, S., Ahmetović, M., Lukić, B.
DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.05
UDK: 620.196[669.268:661.875'027.1]
Abstract: In the paper, the quality of the hard chrome plating on standard steel plates and shroud-fuel nozzle used in the aviation industry was examined, where the thickness of the coating, hardness, microscopic structure and resistance to bending were determined. The entire galvanization process involved chemical, electrochemical and mechanical preparation of the examined parts prior to chromating, while the chromating itself took place in a solution of chromic acid. The aim of the work is to obtain high-quality hard chrome coatings through the process of reparation of worn shroud-fuel nozzle, which will be able to replace commercial new parts in terms of quality and characteristics. Also, taking into account that some parts are no longer even commercially available, the reparation procedure should enable extended use of the same parts.
Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 63, 31-37