









Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina



Issue 60




Publication date: June 2023


Full version Bulletin


Table of contents

Content of Metals in Cow, Sheep and Goat Milk Samples Original Scientific Article


Korać (R), S., Huremović, J., Žero, S., Ljubijankić, N.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2023.60.01

UDK: 543[637.12:546.3]


Abstract: Milk is an excellent source of many essential nutrients, including Ca, proteins and vitamin D. Nine metals (Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn, Ni and Pb) in raw and pasteurized milk of cow, sheep and goat were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry, flame technique. The levels of Cd, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb were below the detection limit of the used method. The concentration ranges for Ca, Mg, Zn and Cu, in all milk samples, were as follows: 459.8-992.8, 59.5-206.8, <LOD-22.31 and <LOD-3.20 mg/L, respectively. The order of the metal levels in regards to concentration was Ca>Mg>Zn>Cu. The highest content of Ca and Mg was found in goat milk. In the case of cow's milk, the content of Ca, Mg and Zn increased with increasing amount of milk fat in processed milk. Matrix correlation analysis showed that there is a significant correlation for the following pairs: Ca-Mg (r = 0.830), Zn-Cu (r = 0.799) and Ca-Zn (r = 0.624). Also, a strong correlation was found between milk fat and Ca, Mg and Zn (Pearson factor, r > 0.600). Based on daily consumption of 200 mL of milk, the milk consumption does not meet the daily requirements for determined elements. Most significant intake was in case of Ca.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 60, 1-6.

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Investigation of Antioxidant Activity of Gallic, Protocatechuic and Vanilic Acid using the Briggs-Rauscher Reaction as Tool Original Scientific Article


Gojak-Salimović, S., Alijagić, N., Ramić, S.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2023.60.02

UDK:  544[542.943'78:661.73]


Abstract: Hydroxybenzoic acids are an important class of polyphenols because their strong antioxidative activity. In this study, the antioxidant activity of three hydroxybenzoic acids was investigated using the Briggs-Rauscher reaction. Besides individual gallic, protocatechuic, and vanillic acids at concentrations of 250, 500, and 1000 µM respectively, the various mixtures of two and three hydroxybenzoic acids were also tested. The highest antioxidant activity showed protocatechuic acid at a concentration of 1000 µM while the lowest antioxidant activity was observed for vanillic acid at a concentration of 250 µM. The most of investigated hydroxybenzoic acids mixtures showed some degree of antagonistic effect. The highest antagonistic effect was found for the equimolar mixture of protocatechuic and vanillic acid at concentration of 250 μM. On the contrary, the equimolar mixture of gallic acid and vanillic acid at the same concentration indicated a high synergistic effect.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 60, 7-12.

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Addressing Linguistic and Cultural Heterogeneity in Chemistry Classrooms: Findings from the In-service Teacher Training Program Original Scientific Article


Nuić, I., Mrdić, M., Zejnilagić-Hajrić, M., Dedić Bukvić, E., Mešanović-Meša, E. 


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2023.60.03

UDK: 54:371:321[008:81-22]


Abstract: One of the challenges in the teaching science in Bosnia and Herzegovina is its plurality of languages and cultural diversity. In the previous initial teacher education, there was a lack of quality preparation for these modern challenges; opportunities to teach cultural and linguistic diversity were not recognized. Therefore, the challenge is to encourage experienced chemistry teachers to develop competencies for an intercultural teaching environment within the Educating Science Teachers for All (ESTA) project. The participants of the in-service professional development program were chemistry teachers from three cantons in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the program was to develop and improve professional competencies through workshops and work in groups, with discussions on selected topics and laboratory exercises with the use of modern laboratory equipment and ICT. Teaching opportunities were offered in linguistically diverse classes, as well as in classes with other forms of student diversity. The results showed that teachers are aware of the need to be sensitized for student differences. They expressed positive impressions and willingness to adjust the teaching material according to the needs of their students, but also the need for further support through collaboration with the university staff.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 60, 13-20.

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The Influence of Foreign Ions on Determination and Speciation of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) from Water Samples Original Scientific Article


Ramić, E., Žero, S., Memić, M.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2023.60.04

UDK: 543[628.3:544.344.3]


Abstract: This study reports: a) the content of Ca, Cd, Co, Cr(III), Cr(VI), Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, and Zn in wastewater from metal industries and rivers that flow near the metal processing industries; b) the possibility of quantitative determination of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in the presence of the following cations: Fe3+, Cu2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Ni2+, Mn2+; and Zn2+ and anions Cl-, NO3-, and SO42-; c) speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) on silica gel modified with Nb2O5 . Metals were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, except for Na and K, which were determined by atomic emission spectrometry, and Cr(VI) by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry. When the concentration of cations is higher than Mg2+ (>25 mg/L), Ni2+ (>100 mg/L), Fe3+ (>250 mg/L), Zn2+ (>500 mg/L), and Mn2+ (>1000 mg/L), an error greater than 10 % is obtained in the measurement of Cr(III) . Silica gel modified with Nb2O5 can be considered as an effective solid phase extraction adsorbent for speciation of Cr species and simultaneous concentration of Cr(III). The proposed method was successfully applied to the speciation and determination of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in the analyzed samples. The content of almost all analyzed metals has been below the permitted values for wastewaters.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 60, 21-29.

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Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina



Issue 61




Publication date: December 2023



Full version Bulletin


Table of contents

Phytochemical analysis of eight Genista L. taxa (Fabaceae) from natural populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Original Scientific Article

Pustahija, F., Bašić, N., Starčević, M., Subašić, M., Boškailo, A., Parić, A., Hukić, E.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2023.61.01

UDK: 547[582.916.26:543.063] (497.6)


Abstract: Phytochemical analysis of aerial parts of eight autochthonous Genista L. taxa (brooms; Fabaceae; G. germanica, G. januensis, G. pilosa, G. radiata, G. sagittalis, G. sericea, G. sylvestris ssp. dalmatica and G. tinctoria) from natural populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina was performed in this study. Using fast phytochemical methods, for the first time, emodin was identified in the genus; coumarins, fatty acids, saponins, steroids, tannins and terpenoids in some taxa, but also the presence of phenolic compounds or the absence of anthocyanins in all studied taxa. The analysis of total phenol (TPC), flavonoid (TFC), phenolic acids (TPA) and alkaloid (TA) contents and antioxidant activity (DPPH), determined by spectrophotometry method, indicated the existence of differences between the studied taxa (p<0.01). The taxa differed significantly from each other in TPA and TA, and the least in terms of antioxidant activity. There is a positive correlation between TPA, TPC and TFC in one hand, and TA and antioxidative activity in other (p<0.01). The Euclidean dendrogram indicates two main clusters: the first cluster includes G. januensis and G. pilosa, and the second is derived from the remaining six taxa. Obtained PCA clusters were more diffused than those generated by Euclidean distance dendrogram but in a good agreement with them. The obtained data indicate the need for further phytochemical and pharmacological research of the genus Genista, as a very interesting source of natural active compounds, as well as population research with special emphasis on the influence of microclimate on SMs content.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 61, 1-9.

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GHG emissions in the current and future MSW management system in Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina  Original Scientific Article

Bjelić, D., Malinović, B., Nešković Markić, D., Gegić, B.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2023.61.02

UDK:  628.468:504.7(497.6 Zvornik)


Abstract: Each and every step in the process of municipal solid waste (MSW) management generates the greenhouse gases (GHG). Therefore, it is imperative to focus on MSW from the source to the final waste disposal in order to decrease the negative impact on the environment. This study aims to calculate the GHG emissions at the present moment (Status Quo) for waste management as well as on the improved MSW management that should be implemented in this local community by 2027 (Scenario 2027). To visualize waste streams in these two scenarios, the STAN 2.5 software was used, and for the calculation of GHG emissions in the City of Zvornik, the IWM-2 software was used. The MSW management Status Quo is basically characterized by the collection communal of waste and its deposition on the landfill without a degasification system and landfill gas treatment. The guidelines and recommendations for MSW management improvement, Scenario 2027 propose the establishment of separate collections of secondary raw materials and biodegradable waste, and improved collection and treatment of landfill gas at the landfill site. The implementation of these measures would result in a reduction of approximately 40% in GHG emissions compared to the Status Quo. The most significant impact would be realized in the environment due to the collection and treatment of landfill.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 61, 11-19.

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Cyclosporine A concentrations in blood measured with the immunoassays on Roche e601® and ADVIA Centaur XP® analysers-what is the extent of the agreement? Original Scientific Article

Tijanić, A., Beletić, A., Stanković, S.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2023.61.03

UDK: 577.1[57.087.3:612.11]


Abstract: Monitoring of cyclosporine A (Cs A) concentrations is inevitable for efficient and safe immunosuppression. Currently, immunoassays are the most often used method. The study compared the Cs A concentrations in EDTA-blood samples of 50 patients, measured on Roche e601® and ADVIA Centaur XP® analyzers. The Cs A concentrations on e601® were between 30.00 and 573.00 ng/mL. On Centaur XP® they were in the range 30.2-395.2 ng/mL. For all data the correlation coefficient (95% confidence interval (CI)) was 0.98 (0.97-0.99), while in the groups with concentrations below and above 100 ng/mL it was 0.90 (0.74-0.93) and 0.98 (0.94-0.99), respectively. The slope (95% CI) in the Passing-Bablok analysis on all results was 0.73 (0.67-0.83), and the intercept (95% CI) was 12.53 (6.66-17.78). In the group with results below 100 ng/mL, the slope was 0.92 (0.77-1.12) and the intercept 3.05 (from -8.45 to 12.09). For the Cs A concentrations above 100 ng/mL the slope was 0.71 (0.64-0.84) and the intercept 9.31 (from -8.86 to 24.27). The proportional and systematic errors were present in a wide range of Cs A concentrations measured on the evaluated analyzers. The concordance was satisfactory for concentrations below 100 ng/mL. 


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 61, 21-24.

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Leachate of landfill Smiljevići (Sarajevo, BiH) and their environmental statusOriginal Scientific Article

Mahmutović, O., Prazina, N.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2023.61.04

UDK: 543.31[628.3:504](497.6 Smiljevići)


Abstract: Leachates are produced as a filtrate from waste landfills as a result of highly polluted waters. Organic substances that are mostly present are: phenolic compounds, halogen organic substances, oils and fats. The presence of nitrogen substances is significant, followed by phosphoric substances, sulfates, chlorides, and heavy metals. Sanitary landfill "Smiljevići", created 60 years ago, is placed on the hill area of Novi Grad municipality, Sarajevo. In that time area around landfill was very sparsely populated. Following the legislative, the leachate from the Smiljevići landfill does not have a good environmental status. On the other hand, according to global - typical values, contaminant concentrations are much closer to low than average values. The content of contaminants with long retention in nature and tendency to bioaccumulation is within legal limits. Most parameters that exceed the permitted values include usually biodegradable compounds that the stream of the river Bosnia can absorb better than the small ecosystem of the Lepenički creek. The problem is further aggravated bz the fact that the area surrounding the creek is now relatively densely populated, the stream has a small water capacity, especially in the summer, and the contaminants are mostly volatile. Finally, this problem also can be attributed to irresponsible activity of urban planning.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 60, 25-31.

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Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina



Issue 63



Publication date: December 2024



Full version Bulletin


Table of contents

Preliminary archaeometry investigation of artifacts from the Medieval Bosnian town of Dubrovnik (Ilijaš, BiH) Original Scientific Article


Olovčić, A., Ramić, E., Ostojić, J., Bujak, E.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.01

UDK: 543:903.2(497.6 Ilijaš)


Abstract: The aim of this paper was to analyse archaeological artifacts found in the medieval town of Dubrovnik, near Sarajevo, using FAAS and SEM-EDS techniques. A total of 11 samples of different types were chosen: ceramic sherds, an iron nail, slag, and a piece of brocade thread. The results of the ceramic samples showed high levels of iron and manganese, most probably due to the geological bedding of the location. Trace amounts of chromium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc further support this assumption, which means that the clay used to make ceramic was supplied in the vicinity of Dubrovnik. A painted sample of green ceramic had high levels of lead, suggesting that this metal was deliberately added to strengthen the properties of the vessel. SEM-EDS measurements of the slag showed the presence of As, Hg and Sn, and one possible explanation is that they were used in gold or silver refining processes, which according to historical reports were performed in Dubrovnik. A piece of golden thread has proven useful in determining the time frame of its origin. EDS measurement showed that the type of the manufacturing process used in the production of this golden thread did not exist before the 14th century.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 63, 01-10

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Inventory of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in the Transport Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina  Original Scientific Article


Džajić-Valjevac, M., Markotić, E., Maretić Tiro, M., Merzić, A.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.02

UDK:  543PBDE:629.014.7(497.6)"2020"


Abstract: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are flame retardants whose use is restricted to industrial production in line with the Stockholm Convention due to their persistence and toxicity. Some congeners were restricted in 2009, while the decaBDE restriction entered into force in 2017. Selected plastic products containing PBDEs are still widely used and may potentially impact human health and the environment. This paper investigates the presence of the PBDEs in transport vehicles and related wastes in BiH during 2020. The applied estimation method was proposed by the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention, including a calculation based on the statistical data at the national level and literature data on PBDE concentration in the different vehicle types. It has been estimated that the most PBDEs come from the old transport vehicles that are still in use (4,582.72 kg), while the amount of PBDEs in imported vehicles and end-of-life vehicles is at a low level, 6.10 kg and 213.30 kg, respectively. Inadequate disposal of old vehicles has been identified as a significant environmental threat in Bosnia and Herzegovina related to PBDE contamination. 


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 63, 11-17

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Correlations of total phenolics and antioxidant activity in royal jelly from Bosnia and Herzegovina Original Scientific Article


Toromanović, J., Medunjanin, D., Dizdar, M., Buza, N., Trešnjo, A., Tahirović, I.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.03

UDK: 638.162:577.1(497.6)


Abstract: In this study, the total phenolics content (TPC), and antioxidant activity against hydroxyl (AAOH·) and peroxyl (AAROO·) free radicals in centrifuged (low molecular weight fractions, LM) and uncentrifuged (the bulk of low molecular weight and high molecular weight, LM+HM fractions) samples of fresh royal jelly (RJ) from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as well as correlations between these parameters were determined. For determination of the TPC, spectrophotometric method with gallic acid (GA) as the standard was used. For the determination of AA, the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay with catechin as the standard was used. The highest TPC expressed in equivalent mass of GA per mass of RJ (LM+HM fractions) was found in the sample from Kalinovik, 5.54±0.76 mg GAE/g, and in the sample from Bosanska Krupa, 4.07±0.04 mg GAE/g for LM phenolics of RJ. The highest AAOH·expressed as mmol catechin equivalents (CE) per mass of LM+HM fraction of RJ was found in the sample from Cazin 58.15±1.55 mM CE/g, and in the sample from Ključ, 58.15±0.81 mM CE/g for LM fraction. The highest AAROO· per mass of LM+HM fraction of RJ was found in the sample from Bosanska Krupa, 8.04±0.04 mM CE/g, in which also found the highest AAROO·for LM fractions, 7.58±0.39 mM CE/g.  There were very high positive correlations between AAOH·(LM+HM), as well as AAOH·(LM)) and TPC(LM+HM), as well as TPC(LM) (Pearson correlations (P.c.)). It was moderate positive correlation AAOH·(HM)to TPC(HM). Also, there were weak positive correlations between AA(ROO·)(LM+HM), as well as AA(ROO·)LM and TPC(LM+HM), as well asTPC(LM), and weak negative correlation AA(ROO·)(HM) to TPC(HM). Based on a very high TPC and significant AA, it can be concluded that RJ from B&H is a good source of natural antioxidants and is an important dietary supplement.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 632, 19-24

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Metal Desorption from the Lichen Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. Using Simulated Acid Rain pH Solutions Original Scientific Article

Ramić, E., Huremović, J., Žero, S.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.04

UDK: 543[582.29:551.577.13]


Abstract: In this study, the content of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in washed and unwashed lichen Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach. was determined. Solutions similar to acid rain (H2SO4–HNO3–(NH4)2SO4–NH4NO3) with pH 2.02. 2.55, 3.61, 4.33, and 5.15 were used to investigate the desorption of metals from washed lichen Evernia prunastri. The metal analysis was conducted by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Content of Fe and Pb was higher in unwashed lichen, Mn and Ni were similar in washed and unwashed lichen, and Cr, Cu, Cd, and Zn were higher in the washed lichen sample. Using solution with pH 2.02, the percentage of desorbed Cu, Mn, Cd, and Zn was higher than 95%, while for Pb it was ~ 80%. Mn was desorbed in a mass percentage higher than 79%  in all simulated acid rain solutions, while the percentage of Cr desorption was less than 1%. Solutions with pH 3.61, 4.33, and 5.15 desorbed all metals except Mn in a percentage lower than 68%. The results indicate that the lichen Everina prunastri can become a secondary environment pollutant and that the mass percentage of desorbed metals depends on the strength of the bond between the metal and the components of the lichen tissue or cell wall, as well as on the pH value of the precipitation with which the lichen comes into contact.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 63, 25-30

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Modification of the Surface of Objects for the Aviation Industry by the Procedure of Hard Chrome Plating Original Scientific Article


Šestan, I., Ristić, Z., Ćatić, S., Ahmetović, M., Lukić, B. 


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.63.05

UDK: 620.196[669.268:661.875'027.1]


Abstract: In the paper, the quality of the hard chrome plating on standard steel plates and shroud-fuel nozzle used in the aviation industry was examined, where the thickness of the coating, hardness, microscopic structure and resistance to bending were determined. The entire galvanization process involved chemical, electrochemical and mechanical preparation of the examined parts prior to chromating, while the chromating itself took place in a solution of chromic acid. The aim of the work is to obtain high-quality hard chrome coatings through the process of reparation of worn shroud-fuel nozzle, which will be able to replace commercial new parts in terms of quality and characteristics. Also, taking into account that some parts are no longer even commercially available, the reparation procedure should enable extended use of the same parts.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 63, 31-37

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Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina



Issue 62



Publication date: June 2024



Full version Bulletin


Table of contents

Evaluation of Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Effects of Pink Pepper Fruit Essential Oil Original Scientific Article


Horozić, E., Ademović, Z., Dautović, E., Kolarević, L., Cilović Kozarević, E., Karić, E., Ibišević, M., Huseinović, E., Husejnagić, D.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.62.01

UDK: 547.913:582.672


Abstract: Pink pepper is classified into the Californian/Peruvian type (Schinus molle) and the Brazilian type (S. terebinthifolia). According to studies, pink pepper extracts and essential oils have shown anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, genotoxic and antidiabetic properties in in vitro and in vivo studies. The results of bioactivity tests vary depending on the geographical origin of the pepper. In this paper, the cytotoxic, antioxidant and anti-bacterial effects of the essential oil of the commercial pink pepper fruit from the Tuzla market were investigated. To assess the cytotoxic potential, a tetrazolium salt reduction (MTT) viability assay was performed. The antioxidant potential was examined spectrophotometrically, using DPPH and FRAP methods. Diffusion techniques were used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the essential oil. Using GC/MS, 24 components of red pepper essential oil were identified, of which α-pinene, α-phellandrene, δ-3-carene and D-limonene dominate. The studied pink pepper essential oil inhibited the cell proliferation in the HeLa cell line, causing a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect (IC50=389.46 µg/mL). The essential oil inhibits DPPH radicals. The reducing ability is relatively weak. For the essential oil, an extremely good ability to inhibit the growth of the bacteria used in this study was confirmed. These results indicate a very high potential of essential oil of pink pepper fruit as an inhibitor of pathogenic organisms.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 62, 01-06

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The inhibitory properties of the boiling extracts from Malus sylvestris andSyringa vulgaris flowers on the corrosion of stainless steel in sulphuric acid medium  Original Scientific Article


Oo Z. Y. M., Nikolaychuk P. A.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.62.02

UDK:  634.11[691.714.018.9:620.196]


Abstract: The inhibitory properties of the Malus sylvestris flower and Syringa vulgaris flower boiling extracts against the stainless steel EN Fe37-3FN corrosion in 0.5 M sulphuric acid medium were studied using electrochemical methods, including open circuit potential measurement, potentiodynamic polarisation and EIS. The addition of 10 mg/l of the Malus sylvestris flower extract slows the corrosion by 15%, and that of of 10 g/l – by 65%, while the addition of 10 mg/l of the Syringa vulgaris flower extract slows the corrosion by 30%, and that of of 1 g/l and more – by 65%. The Langmuir absorption model describes the adsorption of the components of the extracts on a surface of the steel, and the adsorption is physical in its nature. The Malus sylvestris flower and Syringa vulgaris flower extracts reveal themselves as interesting and environmentally safe substances for the steel corrosion rate reduction in acidic environments.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 62, 07-12

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Binding constants and in silico analysis of albumin interaction with phenolic acids and flavonoids Original Scientific Article


Kristić, D., Dizdar, M., Ćavar Zeljković, S., Kopečny, D.,  Topčagić, A.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.62.03

UDK: 547.962.3:547.588.3


Abstract: : In this study, fluorescence techniques were utilized to investigate the interactions of selected phenolic acids (PAs) and flavonoids (FLs) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) under physiological conditions. The binding of PAs/FLs with BSA was investigated at three temperatures: 292, 303 and 310 K. From the obtained spectra, the Stern-Volmer constant (Ksv), bimolecular quenching constant (kq), binding constants (Kb), and binding site number (n) constants were calculated. Presented results indicate that fluorescence quenching of BSA in the presence of phenolic acids/flavonoids is a static quenching process. The strongest static binding occurs during the formation of the BSA-pHBA (p-hydroxybenzoic acid) complex (kq = 57.1×1012 M-1 s-1 at 292 K), and BSA-Que (quercetin) complex (kq = 42.8×1012 M-1 s-1 at 292 K). The structure of PAs/FLs was revealed to significantly affect the binding/quenching process and additionaly, fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies confirmed the static nature of this process. The results of synchronous fluorescence spectra suggest changes in the microenvironment of tyrosine. Three-dimensional spectra showed changes related to the backbone structures of the protein chain (caused by the π-π∗transition of the carbonyl group). Furthermore, thermal denaturation was performed by nano differential scanning fluorimetry (nanoDSF) and transition temperature (Tm) values for BSA complexes with PAs/FLs are slightly lower than Tm for BSA, except Tm for BSA complexes with kaempferol and chrysine. According to in silico analysis, theoretically, caffeic acid and quercetin showed the best binding position with albumin (4F5S).


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 62, 13-24

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Application of hydrophobic solvents based on L-menthol, as greener alternatives to classical solvents for Pb(II) ions extraction Original Scientific Article


Suljkanović, M., Suljagić, J., Bjelić, E, Mandžukić, A.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.62.04

UDK: 547[544.722.132:541.8]


Abstract: Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as a new-generation of solvents are receiving increasing attention as environmentally friendly solvents in various analytical techniques. These solvents are new generation solvents, and based upon what they are derived from, they can be the safest, cheapest, and most effective extraction methods available. With DES, the extraction efficiency and metal ion recycling are significantly improved. In this work, the potential application of these solvents for the extraction of Pb(II) ions was investigated. For that purpose, hydrophobic DESs (HDESs), based on L-menthol as H-acceptor and decanoic acid as H-donor, were prepared at molar ratios of acceptor to donor of 1:1 and 1:2. In the optimized extraction procedure, the Pb(II) ions were extracted into the organic phase with the efficiency of  94.3% and 97.3% for 1:1Men:DecA and 1:2 Men: Dec A, respectively. The results also showed that unlike of  classical liquid-liquid extraction methods, in the original solutions, counterions are not required to transfer the analyte to the hydrophobic phase. Furthermore, no ligands were required to transfer the  analyte ions to the HDES phase: the results show that the extraction efficiency of 1:1 HDES decreased to 88.65% in the presence of 18C6, and to 96.5% for 1:2 HDES. Comparable results for HDES (1:1 Men: DecA) extraction efficiency in the proposed method with the efficiency of 1,2-dichloroethane and chloroform in classical methods (96.7% and 92%, respectively), without counterions and without the requirement for ligands as carriers, make this HDES-based extraction method simpler, less expensive, and most importantly, more environmentally friendly.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 62, 25-30

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The relationship between the physical and lipid characteristics of eggs from hens that were fed a diet supplemented with fat Original Scientific Article


Ohran, H., Hodžić, A., Semić, A., Ajanović, A., Crnkić, Ć.


DOI: 10.35666/2232-7266.2024.62.05

UDK: 577.1:637.41


Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the potential correlations between certain physical and lipid characteristics of eggs from hens fed diets supplemented with three different types of fat. A six-week-last experiment was conducted on 45 Brown Lohman laying hens, 56 weeks of age. Animals were randomly divided into three groups of 15, and fed one of three experimental diets supplemented with either 3% of fish oil, palm olein, and lard. Samples of 10 eggs per group were collected at the start and at the end of the experiment to determine four physical and six lipid characteristics in boiled eggs. The supplementation of the hens' diet with fat at significantly affected the physical characteristics of the The biggest impact on such finding for total sample of investigated eggs had palm olein as a supplement in hen diet. Among the three investigated fat supplements, the addition of 3% lard to the laying hen diet resulted in the smallest total number of significant correlations between investigated physical and lipid traits. Comparing the end to the start of our experiment, supplementation of hen diet with fat decreases the number of correlations among egg physical and lipid characteristics, what can be considered as a positive result from both egg producer and consumer interests.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina 62, 31-38

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Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina






Special Issue 2022





Publication date: June-July 2022

Full version of Bulletin

Table of contents

Catalysis and environment: the good, the bad and the ugly Plenary lecture

Suljo Linić

Abstract: It has become increasingly clear that human-induced CO2 emissions are having potentially irreversible impact on the environment. In this presentation, I will share my views on the current state of the CO2 pollution problem and discuss potential mitigation strategies. I will focus on the solutions that involve catalysts and discuss how achievable these solutions are, and which of the solutions gives us the highest probability to make positive impact. Most of these solutions will require abundant and economically viable generation of renewable hydrogen. I will discuss our work on solar splitting of water to form hydrogen on hybrid semiconductor/electro-catalysts systems. I will also discuss our recent efforts aimed at pairing the CO2 capture with in-situ electrochemical reduction of the captured CO2 molecules.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina Special Issues, 3.

Biomass oxy-fuel combustion technology as carbon neutral renewable source of energy to replace fossil fuels Plenary lecture

Farooq Sher

Abstract: Due to growing concerns about climate change, the heat and power sector is continuously facing challenges to reduce CO2 emissions. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of the short-medium term measures that can mitigate CO2 emissions emitted from fossil fuels utilisation. Oxy-fuel combustion is a promising technology for CSS that can be integrated into the new and the current fleet of power plants. Biomass is a carbon-neutral renewable source of energy that can replace fossil fuels. If the biomass is utilised as a fuel in oxy-fuel combustion it could lead even to negative CO2 emissions. However, oxy-fuel combustion technology in fluidised beds is in the early stages of development and still needs a lot of research for improvement before its application on full-scale power plants. The basic combustion fundamentals of different biomass fuels in terms of energy production were studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) under air, N2, CO2 and selected oxy-fuel (30%O2/70%CO2) reaction environments. Then a 20 kWth bubbling fluidised bed combustor (BFBC) was designed, manufactured and successfully tested for a range of biomass fuels under air and oxy-fuel combustion environments. The agglomeration and sintering behaviour of these biomass fuels during combustion under air was also investigated using different analytical techniques such as SEM-EDX, XRD and XRF. The biomass fuels investigated include domestic wood, industrial wood, miscanthus, wheat straw and peanut shell pellets. The BFBC testing of these biomass fuels focused on the influence of operating conditions, the effect of excess air level and fuel feed rate on the hydrodynamics, temperature profiles and emissions, NOx, CO2 and CO within the BFBC.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina Special Issues, 4.


Chemical characterization of surfaces and thin films for the development of new materials and quality control Plenary lecture

Janez Kovač

Abstract: Surfaces and thin films of solid materials play an important role in many technological fields like corrosion, catalysis, polymers, plasma surface engineering, coatings, tribology, implants, sensors, microelectronics, etc. Application of analytical methods with high surface and chemical sensitivity is important for a complete understanding of surface reactions, functional properties, and degradation of materials in such applications. Scanning electron microscopy - SEM in combination with EDXS is very often applied to analyze the morphology and elemental chemical composition with high lateral resolution. In this presentation, another two methods with high surface sensitivity will be presented, i.e., X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy – XPS and Secondary ion mass spectrometry - SIMS. These methods have surface sensitivity in the range of 1-5 nm, making them unique surface probes. The XPS analyses can give information on chemical composition, oxidation states (identification of Cu(0)/Cu(1+)/Cu(2+), Ti(0)/Ti(3+)/Ti(4+)) and bonding of elements (C-C/C-O/O=C-O) at surfaces and thin films. The SIMS method allows the identification of a type of molecules and molecular structure at surfaces, which is particularly important for analyses of organic materials. The XPS and SIMS methods can be combined with ion etching to remove the surface layers and analyze subsurface chemical composition up to one micron. In such a way, a depth distribution in thin films and multilayer structures can be obtained. In this presentation, we will show typical applications of surface analytical methods XPS and SIMS in our laboratory for the development of new catalytic materials based on doped TiO2, a study of corrosion inhibitors, the application of the graphene-based materials, and the degradation of perovskite solar cells. Also, examples of surface analyses for quality control as support for industrial partners in Slovenia will be presented. SIMS. These methods have surface sensitivity in the range of 1-5 nm, making them unique surface probes. The XPS analyses can give information on chemical composition, oxidation states (identification of Cu(0)/Cu(1+)/Cu(2+), Ti(0)/Ti(3+)/Ti(4+)) and bonding of elements (C-C/C-O/O=C-O) at surfaces and thin films. The SIMS method allows the identification of a type of molecules and molecular structure at surfaces, which is particularly important for analyses of organic materials. The XPS and SIMS methods can be combined with ion etching to remove the surface layers and analyze subsurface chemical composition up to one micron. In such a way, a depth distribution in thin films and multilayer structures can be obtained. In this presentation, we will show typical applications of surface analytical methods XPS and SIMS in our laboratory for the development of new catalytic materials based on doped TiO2, a study of corrosion inhibitors, the application of the graphene-based materials, and the degradation of perovskite solar cells. Also, examples of surface analyses for quality control as support for industrial partners in Slovenia will be presented.


Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina Special Issues, 5.




Book of Abstract -  Special Issue 2022 (full version)